Chinese General Hospital Colleges (CGHC) is committed to form individuals to become productive citizens of the country and the world. The responsibility of the college is not only confined to teaching and development of job skills, but also acquisition of life skills and values. It is the task of the Office of Student Affairs (OSA) to provide a set of student-centered activities and services in support of the academic instruction intended to facilitate holistic student development for active involvement in nation building.

Specifically, the Office of Student Affairs seeks to:

1. ensure that the mission-vision of the various student organizations is in accordance with that of the college.
2. ensure smooth and well-balanced implementation of activities of the different student organizations.
3. complement the academic training of students with different growth activities for the improvement of their interpersonal, communication, and self-management skills.
4. work towards the actualization of its mission of providing models of service, excellence, and teamwork in order to produce a pool of pro-active, vision-oriented student leaders committed in the total development of their peers and themselves.
5. train committed students to competently assist the Office of the Student Affairs in the planning, implementation, and evaluation of various programs and activities if the college.

The Office is headed by the Officer-in-Charge for StudentAffairs and has the following roles and responsibilities:

1. Provides students with the overall framework of the college for proper alignment of student initiated activities with the college mission-vision.
2. Coordinates with the deans, level coordinators, class advisers, and other academic units so that extracurricular activities do not conflict with academic affairs.
3. Implements college policies regarding the establishment and operation of student organizations: accreditation, supervision, and regulation.
4. Oversees the implementation of the college initiated extra-curricular and co-curricular.
5. Initiates research activities related to student information and development.
6. Submits recommendation to the Vice President for Academic Affairs for approval of student initiated activities – proposals, policies, guidelines, and others. The following sections/units help the Office of the Student Affairs in the implementation of its student-centered activities and programs:

Guidance, Counseling and Testing Services

This unit provides all students with the academic, personal and social skills necessary to become responsible, productive and respectful individuals who develop into contributing members of society. In partnership with students, family, staff administrators and community members, the counseling programs and operations prepare the students to achieve success in school, become lifelong learners and live healthy and fulfilling lives.

The primary function of the guidance counselor is to provide a comprehensive counseling program focused on the learning, personal/social, emotional and vocational needs of all students.

Specifically, the counselor:

1. Conducts entry needs assessment of new students.
2. Renders guidance, counseling and related interventions/services for individual students. Groups, and/or with parents and guardians.
3. Collaborates with the faculty and staff for the design and development of student related programs and activities.
4. Attends to referrals made on student with behavioral or performance related problems and conducts follow-ups and/or counseling sessions.
5. Secures and administers psychological test materials and other psychological evaluation forms.
6. Ensures the availability, confidentiality and accuracy of student information in the student’s individual folders.
7. Initiates student-related research agenda for the academic year.

Career and Job Placement

This unit assists and guides students in exploring, developing, and setting career and jobs goals that relate to their unique characteristics and life course. It also assists graduates with their employment needs and opportunities.

The Coordinator of this unit has the following functions and duties:

1. Encourages students to accomplish self-assessment evaluation in order to assist them in career planning.
2. Assists students in identifying career goals and objectives.
3. Assists students in building their resume and interview skills.
4. Coordinates with the clinical instructors in assisting students gain valuable work experience during RLE, internship, or practicum training.
5. Conducts career orientation and seminars.
6. Helps graduates by serving as liaison between CGHC and the employment community.
7. Maintains a list of graduates with their complete details for possible referrals to companies for employment.

Student Discipline and Character Formation

This unit plays a major role in the sustenance and internalization of attitudes and norms of students that are consistent with the code of ethics and service orientation of the health science profession into which they are being socialized. Efforts are sustained to provide a wholesome milieu in the campus, clinical areas, and other venues such that students are actively engaged in varied learning experiences to gain knowledge and skills, emulate desirable attitudes and behaviors, and develop good values and habits.

In general, this unit promotes and supervises student discipline and character formation through education, modeling, experiential learning, and strict implementation of the provisions of the Student Handbook.

The Coordinator of this unit has the following functions and duties:

1. Conducts lectures and seminars regularly on student discipline and character formation.
2. Maintains peace and order as well as cleanliness in coordination with the security personnel of the college.
3. Investigates offenses committed inside or outside of the campus and recommends disciplinary measures to promote development of desirable behaviors.
4. Mediates conflicts and other similar acts among students and student groups.
5. Takes custody and safeguards lost and found items.

Student Activities and Organizations

The Office of the Supreme Student Council seeks to complement the academic training of students with different growth activities focusing on improving leadership, self and organizational management, and development skills.

This unit of student group specifically aims to:

1. develop managerial and leadership potentials of student
2. encourage student involvement in co-curricular and extra-curricular activities
3. initiate activities for freshmen and other student groups

The functions and duties of the Adviser of the Supreme Student Council are the following:

1. Supervises the conduct of all meetings
2. Be present at all socials and other undertakings
3. Settles questions on matters of procedures not otherwise covered by the rules
4. Gives advice and guidance to the officers and members
5. Assists in coordinating the activities and projects
6. Performs other functions and duties delegated by the Office of Student Affairs

Campus Journal and Publication

This unit of student group provides student writers avenues for expression through information drive, journalism, literary and creative writing via publication in the Vitales Signa, the official campus organ of the college.

The Vitales Signa gives the readers awareness concerning the various issues around and within the CGHC community that may influence or involve its students.

The Adviser of the Vitales Signa shall undertake various programs and activities aimed at promoting the development and growth of campus journalism as a means of strengthening ethical values, encouraging critical and creative thinking, and developing moral character and personal discipline of the youth.

Health Services

This unit promotes campus wellness through comprehensive and continuous delivery of health care services to the CGHC community. This unit provides immediate management of emergency cases and/or referral of cases to medical consultants of Chinese General Hospital and Medical Center for further work-ups. It also provides free medical and dental consultation, annual physical examination, vaccination and starter medications for common ailments.

The College Physicians…

1. perform physical examination for incoming first year and transferee students, and new employees,
2. perform annual physical examination for old students and employees,
3. provide medical consultation for students and employees,
4. dispense medicines like analgesics, antihistamines, antipyretics, antacids, etc,
5. administer first aid for injuries and accidents,
6. perform triage of emergency cases,
7. assist students and employees from clinic to the hospital ER (for emergency cases) while waiting for the parents/relatives to arrive,
8. follow-up results of diagnostic exams and other procedures done on the students and employees who have consulted in the clinic,
9. follow-up working diagnosis of students and employees who have consulted with their personal attending physicians until final diagnosis is reached,
10. keep, file and update the medical records of the students,
11. update the monthly clinic census, and
12. administer vaccines to the students.

Canteen Services

The CGHC canteen concessionaire prepares menus to promote and support the general health and well-being of students, staff, and other members of the CGHC community through nutritious and affordable meals.

The menu choices are prepared under the supervision of a registered nutritionist and dietician who continually reviews the range of food items, as well as food services offered, on measures of quality, palatability, appeal, cleanliness, sanitation, nutritional value, and safety, among others.

The CGHC administration, in its commitment of ensuring good management practices, requires that:

1. The operation of the canteen should complement and reinforce not only nutrition education but also environmental education on waste management.
2. Staff are regularly and adequately trained and supervised.
3. Day-to-day operational procedures are strictly enforced.
4. Effective and continuous communication is established between students, staff, parents, and other stakeholders in the community.
5. Staff complies with the legal requirements regarding food safety, including occupational health and safety standards.

The canteen staff…

1. Estimate food quantities to minimize waste and confirming quantities of stock orders,
2. Prepares menus that meet students’ daily nutritional requirements,
3. Maintains the inventory and expiration of the goods when received by the cafeteria,
4. Maintains the cleanliness and sanitation of the cafeteria,
5. Ensure that all condiments and utensils are kept clean and sanitized and readily available for used.

Alumni Relations

The Chinese General Hospital College of Nursing Alumni Association, Inc. shall uphold the standards of the Nursing Profession, assist in the preparation of its members for global competition in rendering nursing care to those in need both in local and international community. To meet these goals, the Association will endeavor towards:

1. Cooperation with other organizations in the preservation and promotion of the health of the people
2. Foster the spirit of unity, fellowship and cooperation among its members and the PNA
3. Promotion of continuing education and professional advancement among its members
4. Keeping abreast with the current trends in nursing service and practice
5. Defense of its members against unlawful and malicious charges in the performance of their profession in cooperation with the PNA
6. Establishment and maintenance of code of ethics among its members

Patricia Plaza
New Building, Ground Floor, Room 104
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM (Monday-Saturday)
8711-0075 loc 120